We're sure you've seen them by now. They show up on FedEx boxes, UPS Boxes, advertising posters, bumper stickers and even at bus stops. We're referring to the dotted pattern squares that have larger dots in their corners. These are 2D bar codes know as QR Codes.
These QR Codes can be read by smart phones once the appropriate app has been installed. The iPhone has a few dozen apps for this that are easy to install. It's easy to get similar apps for the BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and the Android phones.
Once the app is installed, you simply need to take a photo of the QR Code and your phone will redirect you to a website for more information.
At first this might not seem very usable, but think out of the box for a moment. You could put a QR code on your register receipts, business cards, showcases, direct mail and any other advertising that has limited room for advertising. A tech savvy customer will recognize the QR Code and investigate.
These QR codes have been heavily utilized in Europe for several years and are gaining popularity in the United States more with each day.
Including this now in your advertising will give you a step up over your competitor.