Perhaps when you think of social networking you think of chat rooms, blogs, forums, Myspace, Facebook, Digg, Delicious and any number of other sites that allow conversational interaction.
The gift of jewelry is something that transcends all social classes, periods of economic distress and economic expansion. Think about it for a moment, your customers come to you to mark both the best and worst significant moments in their lives. The gift of fine jewelry can be a happy surprise or a pick-me-up in down times.
Every year we travel through a standard cycle of moments. Special days we spend with loved one, days to honor our parents, religious holidays we celebrate with family where we remember good times and those we have lost as well as a celebration of what we have today. There are times of graduations from both school and graduations from one period of our lives to the next. There are celebrations of achievements, and disappointments of things lost.
Through all these events we have seen the gift of jewelry warm people's hearts.
We illustrate these moments specifically to show you how your jewelry store is actually a social focal point in your community, yet your customers may not look at you that way unless you have branded yourself as the Local Community Jeweler. believes now is the time for you to take advantage of the Web 2.0 techniques that will allow you to represent yourself as a Jewelry Website for your community.
Our Psiclopedia™ eBusiness System has the built in tools to interact with your community through online wish lists, engagement listings, community news, shared services and business recommendations and a lot more.
What you see below is an example of the first steps in sharing your jewelry website with others. The concept of social bookmarking is simple: Give your site visitors a way to let other people know they like your jewelry website and that it actually provides useful information.
Additionally, when someone bookmarks your jewelry website through a social bookmarking service they will be able to access their bookmarks from any computer. Historically if you bookmarked something on your own computer it is only available from that single computer. But social bookmarking will allow you to access your favorite saved websites from any computer and even your cell phone.
Let us setup and maintain your own social bookmarks, then sit back and watch the analytics show you how and when your website is bookmarked.
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