Jeweler Websites
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Contact Us
323 Union Blvd
Totowa, New Jersey 07512

Business Hours are:
Monday: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 5pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm

*Required information
Keyword or Code: (if any)
First name:*
 Last name:*
Company / Firm / Organization:*
Address 1:

Address 2:   

Telephone number:*  (incl EXT)
 Fax number:
Best Time to Call:  
Your e-mail address:*

Yes, sign me up for your email distribution list to
learn about special events and sales.

Yes, sign me up for your mailing list to learn about
special events and sales through the mail.
Reenter E-mail:*

What is your preferred contact method?
Please call me.        Please email me.

When are you hoping to first advertise your website?
before the December Holidays        before Valentine's Day
before Mother's Day        before Summer
coinciding with pre-planned upcoming general advertising
coinciding with a pre-planned upcoming event

How do you want to display your items?
Individual Items in a Catalog        By Vendor with vendor information        Link to the vendor websites.

How do you feel about selling online?
Not for me        Maybe Someday        Yeah, That's Why I'm Here

Do you want a CMS to edit the site yourself?
Yes, I want to learn to do it myself.        No, I have no time to do it, that's why I want to hire you.

What inventory management software are you using?
Diamond Counter        The EDGE        The Ibis Jeweler        JewelMate        e-Jewelry
Jewelry Shopkeeper        Executive Jeweller        Jeweler Advantage        JewelMesh
Craftsman        Retail Edge        SWIM        Quickbooks        Gemsoft Treasure
BusinessMind for Jewelers        I wrote my own        By Hand        Other

What is the budget for the initial investment into your new website?
1000-2000        2000-3000        3000-5000        5000-8000
8000-15000        15000-30000        30000-50000        50000+

No matter who creates your website, it will need regular yearly maintenance, what is your budget?
0-500        500-1000        1000-1500        1500-2000
2000-3000        3000-4000        4000-6000        6000+

You will need to spend advertising dollars on your website to make it successful.
How much do you think you will spend yearly?

0-1000        1000-3000        3000-5000        5000-7000
7000-10000        10000-15000        15000-20000        20000+

Comments / Questions:

2 2 8 7 8 9 2 5
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