We admit that it's very difficult to measure the effectiveness of advertising on the internet. But according to eMarketer in 2007 there was $500 billion in offline purchases that were influenced by the internet!
We have been monitoring how people are using the internet and have noticed that effective offline marketing is driving people online to search for more information. Actually, according to iProspect.com research, they found that 67% of online searchers are driven to perform search from exposure to offline marketing.
Of that 67%, fully 39% purchased a product or service from the company that had prompted the search.

You can hire us to help integrate all your advertising efforts into one cohesive campaign, but that's a big step to take and we would rather our customers develop trust in our ideas before they spend a lot of consulting dollars.
The image to the left shows the typical starting point. Notice the "Registration Number," this is the tool that directly measures the success of your traditional offline marketing.
All advertising agents will spin stories of how they can deliver your ad to some number of people... local newspaper circulation of 12,000 residents; drive time listeners of 500,000; prime time viewers of a second rate cable TV station of 100,000... but how many of those people are actually paying attention to your ad, better yet, how many are reacting to it?
If every one of your ads had a required call to action to register online you could tell exactly how many of those 12,000 or 500,000 or 100,000 people were actually paying attention to your ad.
Obviously if the offline marketing is not producing any registrations you can divert your advertising dollars elsewhere.